Friday 7 September 2012

2. NI number/Proof of address - mandatory

1. NI Number

The National Insurance Number (NIN) is one's permit to legally work in this country. As an employer you have to make sure your nanny has one. You will need this information for the contract and for tax purposes. 

The NI card has two parts: the plastic card and the paper counterpart. Whichever the nanny choose to show is fine. The important thing is to know she has the number. You also can check this number on her P60 or P45.

2. Proof of address

It might seen a bit too much information to know your nanny's address. Believe me this information can come handy in many ways. First of all you will need this information for the contract. Second it is good to know how far she lives and where you can forward payslips and other information. Also in case of emergency you know where to go.

You can ask for Bank statement, phone bill, utility bills, catalogue order bills. Basicaly anything is good to show she lives there. 

3. Bank account details

Actually on the interview it's enough to make sure she has one. It is important as you will send her salary to that account. It is far more important if you want to register for chidcare vouchers (eg. Ofsted - more of it in a future post). Make sure the bank account is in the UK and it is on her name. If the bank account is not in the UK and/or not on her name you can end up paying more money or become a victim of fraud. 

If you need personalised help or more information please don't hesitate to contact me for a free quotation.

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