Sunday 9 September 2012

4/2. Ofsted registration - for nannies - childcare vouchers

This is the second part of the series about Ofsted registration. You can read the first part about how to register in my previous blogpost in this theme.

In this article I will talk about the second advantage why Ofsted registration is good for nannies.

2. Your family can get tax ease by sending childcare vouchers for you. Eg. they are more likely to employ you if there is a competition on the interview.

As a nanny you always have to think about what is the best for yourself and for your family. If you can do something to help to become the best nanny out there than you should do it.

Ofsted registration is good not only for your reputation but for your financial accessibility. As your family gets tax ease after an Ofsted registered nanny they more likely to choose you in a competitive situation on  the interview.

 How can the family get tax ease after your Ofsted registration?

As an Ofsted registered nanny you become officially recognised childcare professional. As it is you can accept childcare vouchers. It means you can register to Childcare voucher companies and accept money through them. 

It doesn't really mean too much for you other than you will get your money via bank transfer through the company. BUT your family can benefit a lot from this kind of paying option. 

As the family where the parents work for a company (eg. not self employed) can ask their company to put some of their salary into childcare vouchers. They don't have to pay tax and NI after those money in Childcare vouchers. They only can use this money for paying registered childcare facilities as nurseries, childminders or Ofsted registered nannies.

It worth to read more about the benefits for the parents because you can tell them this advantage in the case you are already registered and they don't know about the benefits. As it can mean your future success of getting the job you've been interviewed for.

How to register for childcare vouchers companies? 

 Finding a childcare voucher company is not your problem. It's your family's employer (company) who usually already have a childcare voucher scheme. The parent(s) can ask their companies to register them into the company scheme. Your only job is to register with the same childcare voucher company so the parents can send your salary through bank transfer via the childcare voucher's website. 

It's the same for you if you have more than one family. The only difference you might have to register with more than one childcare companies. Registration is really easy. You have to go to their website, give them the information they ask for and tadam you are illegible to receive money via the company.

Never forget to tell your family about your Ofsted registration and the childcare voucher's benefit.  There is always a chance they don't know anything about it. So believe me it can mean you get the high paying job instead of your competition:)

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