Sunday 9 September 2012

How to help your nanny to become Ofsted registered

How can I help my nanny to become Ofsted registered?

 It depends on how good  your nanny's English skills (written and verbal) or confidence are you can offer to help her with the registration phone calls and/or papers. It always worth to make sure every paper is in order as failure to fill up the forms properly can cause time delay and/or money loss.

So just to make sure everything is going fine make an effort to call up the office of Osted and ask for all of the details you and your nanny need to become Ofsted registered. It is also what a responsible employer (you) would do.

I highly advise you to fill up the Questionnaire with an Ofsted advisor on the other side of the phone line. They ask questions about the kind of childcare service your nanny will do for you what sometimes can be a bit Chinese for anyone. So just let the nice Ofsted people sort those questions out for you. They are really helpful with this if you ask for it.

You also can help your nanny to find registered childcare courses in your area (ask the Ofsted people they might know some). She doesn't have to go for a Level 2-4 course to become Ofsted registered.  Going for a higher qualification can take up months and she only needs a 2 days Ofsted approved course for the cause. So just ask Ofsted which courses are approved in your area. Your nanny still can go for a higher qualification if she wants but for this paper the two days one is perfect. As the Ofsted registration can take up months you have to go for the best and fast option at times. 

You also can help her to find a First Aid Course. To be honest I usually suggest to the parents to do the course too. Basic First Aid knowledge can save your children's lives in certain situations. As a responsible parent you should take off a weekend and do the course with your nanny. Don't jinx it but you never know...

If your nanny doesn't have Ofsted registration but you need her to do it you can offer to pay for all of the courses and fees or at least half of them. As you will save loads of money on the long run with these papers it is nice to offer some ease for her too. 

When you filled up every form and you have every paper in your hands what the Ofsted people need than call the Ofsted last time to make sure everything is in order. Than post the papers and wait for the registration details.

The registration can take up months but you don't have to wait for the registration papers to be delivered. As you only need the registration number you can ask for it when the Ofsted advisor receive all your papers.  It worth to ask the advisor about this information. As sooner you know the number sooner you can pay your nanny by childcare vouchers. It can be a big help for your purse.

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