Friday 7 September 2012

Adrienn Faklya-Schmitz - real life story

Picture Hi,

my name is Adrienn Faklya-Schmitz. I am a Personal Performance and Family Life Coach and a certified NLP Trainer. I have been working with families in the UK for 5.5 years.

How did it happen?

I was born and bred in Hungary. I was a talented child with many interests and dreams. I had good grades and I wanted to be a writer and a philosopher so I went to the university in Szeged, Hungary. After two years I found out that my dreams are fairly far from the life the university and the life as a philosopher can promise me. So after 3 years I left the University for good and I was there without plans and without any further dreams.

I started to work in a pub and talking to people about life, Universe and everything. I really enjoyed helping people so I wanted to finish my psychology part of the degree. I went back to the uni but I felt closed in a life what made me feel in prison. I found out that the average university life with its night life and with its vain life (we are smarter than anyone because we are here) is just not for me.

That was the time when I told to my family I don't want to finish my studies, I am not sure what I want to do but surely not this. You can imagine how my parents felt and behaved when their beloved and talented child said she left the uni and she didn't plan to go back ever.

In this time I met a guy on the Internet who lived in England. We fall in love, sent messages to each other and after half a year we decided to move together in England. When I told to my parents I want to move to abroad with a guy who they didn't know at all they got really upset. But I moved to England and after a month I found out the guy is not the prince on the white horse I thought he was. So I was in a really difficult situation after a month living in London. I didn't know the language, I didn't have any papers (except my passport), I didn't have a home and I had no idea what profession I wanted or could do.

That was the time when God smiled upon me at once. In my favourite pub (Irish, English, Scottish) a lady asked me if I minded to look after her 7-year-old child. I could move into her house, look after the little girl before and after school. She would pay for it, I could have a place to live and I could learn the language from and with her daughter. I have never thought I was going to be a nanny but at that time that was my best and to be honest only option. So I took the job and I started my journey becoming one of the most experienced and well-paid nanny in London.

In the last 5.5 years I've collected many experience with children in many different type of families. I had contracts I needed and I had contracts I loved. I went to many different schools to collect all the papers and qualifications I needed to become a professional nanny.

3 years ago I fall in love with life coaching and NLP training. I went to a 2-days course to The Life Coaching Academy and after it I took Steven G. Jones Life Coaching and NLP Courses. I graduated as a Master Life Coach in the American University of NLP. Steven G. Jones is one of the most experienced and educated American Life Coach, NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist in America. He has many famous and less famous clients all over the world. I feel lucky I found his courses and I could learn from the best mentor I've ever had. He gave my dreams  back. 

I have had pretty good jobs as a nanny but I wanted to do more to help other people and to share my experience and knowledge with other families and nannies who have just started  their way to find and build up an excellent working and personal relationship with each other.

I started Child-style Coaching over 3 years ago and I'm so happy I can work with more families, nannies and children than before. If you would like to be one of my families, nannies, please, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm eager to hear your story and your plans for the future. If you need more dreams, more confidence, more self-esteem or someone who you can share your plans with, you are on the right place and I am your Master Intervention Coach.

Nice to meet you here and I hope to see you soon in real life,  speak on phone or skype.

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